Singapore Thoracic Society (STS) was formed in November 1974. The society is registered as a charitable society with the main objective to improve the care of people with respiratory diseases. It aims to achieve by

  • Promoting and advancing knowledge about causes, treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases and the practice of thoracic medicine
  • Promoting and advancing research in field of thoracic medicine
  • Fostering and enhancing collaborations with regional and international societies for education and research
  • Acquiring and publishing literature and scientific works in thoracic medicine
  • Promoting education by organizing conferences, workshops, seminars and webinars

STS focuses on exchange of clinical and research knowledge among members through dialogues, seminars, webinars and collaborative work with academic organisations so as to promote scientific and academic advancements. STS had also hosted the 3rd Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Congress in 1993. In 2019, the society formed 2 subcommittees on education and social media to enhance the achievement of its objectives and to be relevant to the rapid evolution of the global digitalisation. STS serves as the best platform to learn, share, enrich knowledge and network.