Prof. James Chalmers
United Kingdom
Prof. James Chalmers (United Kingdom)
Professor James D Chalmers is Asthma and Lung UK Chair of Respiratory Research at the University of Dundee and a Consultant Respiratory Physician. His clinical and research interests are in difficult respiratory infections, particularly bronchiectasis, COPD and COVID-19. His research group is particularly focused on novel non-antibiotic approaches to treating chronic lung inflammation, and he leads several international trials of novel therapeutics. He is chair of the Science and Research Committee of the British Thoracic Society and is Chief editor of the European Respiratory Journal. He has chaired multiple international guidelines and is current chair of the European Bronchiectasis Registry.
Prof. David MG Halpin
United Kingdom
Prof. David MG Halpin (United Kingdom)
Professor Halpin is Consultant Physician & Honorary Professor in Respiratory Medicine at the University of Exeter. He was appointed as a Consultant in 1994. He has a busy clinical practice and for 13 years he was Clinical Lead for the Department in Exeter, overseeing the growth in its clinical and research activity. He is also Honorary Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI) in Singapore.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Initiative on Obstructive Lung Diseases (GOLD) and of the GOLD Science Committee. He was the Chairman and Clinical Expert for the COPD Guideline Development Group of the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK.
He studied at Oxford University (first class honours) & St Thomas Hospital Medical School, qualifying in 1986. He was awarded an MRC scholarship to undertake a D.Phil. in the Department of Human Anatomy at Oxford University, between his pre-clinical and clinical training. He trained in respiratory medicine at the Brompton Hospital in London.
He is a Fellow of Royal College Physicians, and a Member of the BTS, ERS & ATS.
He has served on various BTS committees.
In 2018 he was elected as a Fellow of ERS in recognition of lifetime excellence and contributions to research, education and clinical leadership in respiratory medicine.
His research is focussed on clinical aspects of COPD and asthma. He has published extensively and frequently gives presentations on COPD and asthma at lectures and meetings around the world. He was an Associate Editor of Thorax and is on the editorial board of American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine as well as several other journals and is a peer reviewer for many others.
Dr. Naveed Mustfa
United Kingdom
Dr. Naveed Mustfa (United Kingdom)
Dr Naveed Mustfa is a Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at the University Hospital of North Midlands. He is lead for the Midlands Regional Complex Home Ventilation and Weaning Unit. He has been a director the North Midlands Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Research and Care Centre since 2008 that provides care across Staddordshire, Cheshire, Shropshire and part of North Wales.
He performed his research on respiratory muscle weakness and respiratory compliations in MND at King’s College London and completed a PhD and with the team published articles on the effects of non-invasive ventialtion on people with MND and their carers, the effects of cough assist and diaphragm emg recoring with surface electrodes.
He is also an honorary lecturer at Keele University and Medical School.
Dr Mustfa is also the clinical lead for the Bedside Clinical Guideline Partnership (BCGP) producing guidelines for the region and is worling with the Computer Sciences Departments at Keele University and University of Colorado School of Medicine to produce an evdence based guidelines application.
Prof. Ian Pavord
United Kingdom
Prof. Ian Pavord (United Kingdom)
Ian D Pavord, MA DM FRCP FERS FMedSci is Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Oxford and Honorary Consultant Physician at the Oxford University Hospitals. He is a member of congregation at the University of Oxford and a Professorial Fellow of St Edmund Hall. He was a Consultant Physician from 1995 and Honorary Professor of Medicine from 2005 to 2013 at the Institute for Lung Health, Glenfield Hospital, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. He was elected an NIHR Senior Investigator in 2011&14, an inaugural Fellow of the European Respiratory Society in 2014 and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Science in 2015.
He has a research interest in the clinical aspects of inflammatory airway diseases and has pioneered the use of non-invasive measures of airway inflammation in the assessment of these conditions. He has identified a number of clinically important phenotypes of inflammatory airway disease, has discovered clinically important biomarkers, and has played a lead role in the clinical development of three of the most promising new treatments for severe airway disease.
Professor Pavord was co-editor of Thorax from 2010-2015, Chief Medical Officer of Asthma UK from 2008-14, Associate Editor of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine from 2005-10 and has been Associate Editor of the European Respiratory Journal since 2016. He is the author of over 550 publications and has an H-index of 123 making him the 2nd highest cited researcher in asthma worldwide. He received the 2016 European Respiratory Society (ERS) Gold Medal for his research and gave the Cournand Lecture at the 2004 ERS meeting. He chaired the 2017 Lancet Commission on asthma.
Prof. David Price
United Kingdom
Prof. David Price (United Kingdom)
Professor Price is the Founder and Head of the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI) in Singapore, conducting real-life, pragmatic, and observational research, delivering clinical trials and database research across various regions, including the United States, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific area. Additionally, Professor Price is the Head of Optimum Patient Care (OPC) Global in Australia and the UK, a social enterprise focused on disease registries and quality improvement in healthcare. He established the Optimum Patient Care Research Database (OPCRD), which holds data from over 1100 general practices and 19.5 million patients in the UK. Professor Price leads the International Severe Asthma Registry (ISAR) and the Collaboration on Quality Improvement Initiative for Achieving Excellence in Standards of COPD Care (CONQUEST) registries. With over 888 peer-reviewed publications, an H-index of 103, Professor Price specializes in clinical trial design, exploring ways to improve adherence to treatment plans, and understanding patient attitudes towards respiratory diseases.
Dr. Hanyu Qin
United Kingdom
Dr. Hanyu Qin (United Kingdom)
Dr. Hanyu Qin was trained as an intensivist in Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing. Her previous research focused on clinical application of metagenomics in causative microbiome investigation among ventilated patients due to severe pneumonia. Meanwhile, she was interested in sepsis susceptibility and endotypes. She joined Oxford for further training in Statistics on big data, eg. Transcriptomics, Proteomics. Her current project involves primary clustering of host response to severe pneumonia or lung infiltration secondary to all cause sepsis using Olink proteomic assay, effects of immunomodulator intervention at biology level within trials, potential of single cell assay in identifying deleterious neutrophil roles from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.
Prof. Sejal Saglani
United Kingdom
Prof. Sejal Saglani (United Kingdom)
Professor Sejal Saglani
Faculty of Medicine, National Heart & Lung Institute
Professor of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine
Professor Sejal Saglani leads the Paediatric Severe Asthma Group within the section of Inflammation, Repair and Development at Imperial College London. She is consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine at the Royal Brompton Hospital and part of the Paediatric Difficult Asthma Team.
Areas of expertise and research interests
Professor Saglani’s clinical expertise and research interests include:
- management of pre-school children with recurrent wheezing
- management of school age children with difficult asthma
- factors predicting progression of pre-school wheeze to school-age asthma
- the identification of novel therapies for pre-school wheeze and childhood severe asthma
- mechanisms mediating severe pre-school wheezing and childhood asthma
Professor Saglani has established a translational research programme. It involves an integrated approach using a neonatal murine model, airway samples from children and direct application and clinical translation of her findings in interventional clinical trials.
Dr. Arietta Spinou
United Kingdom
Dr. Arietta Spinou (United Kingdom)
Dr Arietta Spinou is a cardiorespiratory physiotherapy lecturer and researcher at King’s College London, United Kingdom. Dr Spinou holds a PhD in Respiratory Medicine, King’s College London, and an MSc in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy, UCL. She also has over 13 years of clinical experience in Greece, Finland and the UK.
Dr Spinou is a member of the British Thoracic Society (BTS) Pulmonary Infection Specialist Advisory Group and was a chair of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) airway clearance in bronchiectasis statement panel (2023). Her research interests include bronchiectasis, quality of life, cough physiology and outcomes, and airway clearance techniques.
Prof. Wisia Wedzicha
United Kingdom
Prof. Wisia Wedzicha (United Kingdom)
Wisia Wedzicha is Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Head of the Respiratory Division at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College and Honorary Consultant at Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals. She qualified from Somerville College, Oxford University and St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College. She was elected as Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci) and is a fellow both of the American Thoracic Society (ATSF) and European Respiratory Society (FERS). She received the Helmholtz International Fellow Award in 2014.
Professor Wedzicha has a major interest in the causes, mechanisms, impact and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations, and in the role of bacterial and viral infection in COPD exacerbations. She directs an active research group specialising in COPD exacerbations, and has published extensively on this topic.
Professor Wedzicha was Editor-in-Chief of Thorax from 2002 to 2010 and is currently Editor in Chief for the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. She was the Lancet Ombudsman till 2014, Publications Director for the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and has also previously been ERS Guidelines Director.
Prof. Athol Wells
United Kingdom
Prof. Athol Wells (United Kingdom)
Athol Wells, MD, is a Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College, London. He trained in New Zealand, moving to the Royal Brompton Hospital in 1999, heading the ILD Unit from 2007 to 2016 and continuing to chair the ILD research group. His research interests include the applicability of CT in ILD diagnosis and prognostic evaluation, patterns of progression in individual ILDs. He created and developed the ILD disease behaviour classification. He received the ERS lifetime achievement in ILD in 2019 and the ERS Presidential Award in 2023. He is a member of the Fleischner Society and current president of the World Association of Sarcoidosis and other Granulomatous Diseases (WASOG). He is one of the most cited world researchers in ILD. In September 2023, his h-index in the Google Scholar Citations database was 151 (101 since 2018), with over 90,000 citations in total.
Dr. Sophie West
United Kingdom
Dr. Sophie West (United Kingdom)
Sophie West is a respiratory consultant in Newcastle upon Tyne and lead of the Regional Sleep Service. Her clinical and research interests are in best treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and its associated conditions. She was a committee member for the NICE NG202 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea-Hypopnoea Syndrome and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Guideline, and now sits on the NICE Diagnostics Advisory Committee reviewing Automated home testing devices for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome.
She authored the Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine for the first three editions.
She is a member of the British Thoracic Society Executive Council and Workforce Committee since 2021.
She is Chair of the Cardiothoracic Board, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals