A/Prof. Thérèse Lapperre
A/Prof. Thérèse Lapperre (Belgium)
Thérèse Lapperre is an Associate Professor in Respiratory Medicine at the University of Antwerp and head of the department of Respiratory Medicine at the Antwerp University Hospital (UZA). She has an international background, being trained in the Netherlands (Leiden University) and having worked as a pulmonologist and researcher in both Singapore (Singapore Genral Hospitale) and Copenhagen (Bispebjerg Hospital). Her main research interest involves the pathogenesis and management of patients with COPD and asthma, including clinical and mechanistic studies.
Prof. Marko Topalovic
Prof. Marko Topalovic (Belgium)
Marko Topalović, PhD is a CEO of ArtiQ (Leuven, Belgium), an artificial intelligence (AI)-based software company that aims to become the trusted partner of medical practitioners for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of respiratory problems.
Prior to co-founding the ArtiQ (University spin-off), as a postdoctoral researcher in the University Hospital in Leuven, Marko worked on improving and developing machine learning algorithms for diagnosing lung diseases. Marko obtained a PhD degree on the topic “Artificial intelligence for pulmonary function tests” in the Laboratory for respiratory disease, at the prestigious KU Leuven (Belgium). With an MSc in Computer Sciences, he continually tries to connect two fields with a goal to augment healthcare using state-of-the-art technology. His scientific work has contributed to many peer-reviewed publications and numerous conference presentations. Moreover, he received international awards on several different occasions. Marko earned his business education from the Flanders Business School (Belgium).